Free eBook! "The Source of Law"

Just released! A free, short booklet, “The Source of Law: A Brief Lesson for Civil Magistrates and Civilians”. This “brief” is the text of a message originally presented to the Georgia House of Representatives, March 2, 1998 by Pastor Morecraft.

“The question of the hour is this: what is your source of law?” This question stands pertinent to each category of government under King Jesus: civil, church, family. Consequently, though this message was delivered to civil magistrates, it is no less applicable to church leaders, church members, heads of households and their family members… i.e. YOU.

You acquire even free ebooks from the Shop page. You “purchase” them for $0.00 and they get emailed to you as part of that process. Epub version. Mobi version.

Be sure to check out the sermons posted in conjunction with this booklet to augment your education further on the topic.

Standby for more announcements. We’ve been busy here at Comprehensive Christianity working to improve our products and services.