God's Law or Nature's Law?
Here’s today’s “teaser excerpt” from the upcoming 400+ page ebook, 2,000 Years of Christian Theology by Joe Morecraft. This isn’t just a book about dry history and empty recanting of dates and facts on theology. What has gone before is eminently applicable today to issues in state and church in daily headlines! You think all the turmoil in the 21st century is new? You think the debauchery and madness is exclusive to “modern” man?
Only Biblical Christianity in its purest human expression, i.e., the Reformed Faith, has a basis for knowledge and morality precisely because it is divinely revealed and does not seek to derive truth or ethics from logic, experience or nature. John Robbins deals a death blow to the Scholastics view of natural law and reason, both in medieval times as well as today:
“Is it not evident that we must go out of - or rather, Someone must break into - our experience in order to establish law? Only revelation - only commands from a lawgiver - can provide us with the needed ethical guidance... Natural law theorists, rather than worshipping the Creator and obeying His law, worship the creature and attempt to discover her laws. Natural law theory is, in the final analysis, a form of idolatry, [the replacing of God with human reason]. What has nature to do with Law? Nothing. Law is God’s commanding... Law cannot be discovered by men; neither can it be made. Its source is neither the university nor the legislative chamber. Governments may enact statutes; judges may pronounce decisions; juries may deliver verdicts. None can make law but God. All honor due to statutes, decisions, and verdicts is itself commanded by God. There is nothing in the things themselves that warrants honor. Our compliance with them is mandated by law, by God’s commands, Romans 13:1-7. Where they contravene law, they are not to be obeyed, for we ought to obey God rather than men, Acts 5:29.” (emphasis added)
Robbins, John, “Some Problems with Natural Law”, The Journal of Christian Reconstruction, Vol. 2, No. 2 (1975-1976) p. 15 http://www.garynorth.com/JCR-II-2.pdf
Now a test: Do you think that you, or anyone else, actually gets to ultimately choose between God’s laws or nature’s?
2,000 Years of Christian Theology scheduled for release in late July 2019, Lord willing. Sign up for our newsletter to get updates in your inbox!